On Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:23:36 -0700 Linus Torvalds <torva...@linux-foundation.org> wrote:
> But the other issue is that once you actually have logging working, I > don't see why you don't just look at the system logs. Yeah, it's not > /var/log/messages any more, but it's not *that* hard to do. Just use > "journalctl -k" instead of dmesg, and you won't be missing data. There's a bug somewhere with mine: # journalctl -k No journal files were found. -- No entries -- And dmesg is filled with that session crap. > > This is why I harp on rate limiting, and I think your patch is silly: > it solves the wrong problem (the one that isn't a real problem), and > it does it with a sledgehammer when a flyswatter would be more > appropriate. > Unfortunately, it appears that my logging is broken. I don't have anything useful in /var/log/ with respect to kernel messages. Thus when userspace is broken, you are basically shit-out-of-luck. -- Steve