> On Tuesday 23 January 2007 7:49 pm, Andrew Morton wrote:
>> If the kernel is being compiled on a non-Linux system (eg: legacy Unix)
>> then it is, I guess, possible for `awk' and `gawk' to offer different
>> features.  If the kernel's use of gawk uses GNU extensions then this patch
>> might break things on such a system.
>> I guess we'll find out...

OK, this is what (g) awk is needed for:

,-*- diff: shell script -*-
|                        local maj=$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}" | \
|                       -                                       gawk
|'{sub(/,/, "", $5); print $5}')
|+                                       awk '{sub(/,/, "", $5); print
|                        local min=$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}" | \
|                       -                                       gawk
|'{print $6}')
|+                                       awk '{print $6}')
|                        if [ -b "${location}" ]; then
|                                                       dev_type="b"
|                                                       @@ -134,7
|+134,7 @@
|                        ;;
|                                       "slink")
|                                                               local
|target=$(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}" | \
|-                                       gawk '{print $11}')
|+                                       awk '{print $11}')

Let me propose you to test this as solution, that need no awk, only shell:
-*- sh -*-
# usage: $0 node symlink


pos_param() {
  set -- $@
  shift $1
  echo $1

maj=`pos_param 5 $(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}")`
min=`pos_param 6 $(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}")`
echo "maj min:" $maj $min

target=`pos_param 11 $(LC_ALL=C ls -l "${location}")`
echo "symlink target:" ${target}

-*- Result of testcase -*-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ ./awkless.sh /dev/null null
maj min: 1 3
symlink target: /dev/null

p.s. who is going to make alternative to GNU make ? ;D
-o--=O`C  info emacs : not found  /. .\ ( is there any reason to live? )
 #oo'L O  info make  : not found      o (R.I.P. Debian Operating System)
<___=E M  man gcc    : not found    .-- (          TNX, RMS.           )
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