
On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 01:18:30AM +0100, Tim Schmielau wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Oleg Verych wrote:
> > In Debian's version it has no `bc', while native `bc' is producing
> > crap like that:
> > ,-*- bash -*-
> > |[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ printf "%u" $(( -1 )) ; echo
> > |18446744073709551615
> > |[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ echo -1 | bc
> > |-1
> > |[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ printf "%u" $(( 0xFF )) ; echo
> > |255
> > |[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ echo FF | bc
> > |99
> > |[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ echo F | bc
> > |15
> > `-*-
> > 
> > i can't understand the result... I think linux/scripts/makelst may be
> > updated to have sh's version of address calculation ;)
> No, IMHO that should not be a reason to change anything in the kernel.
> Just set ibase=16 or read the fine manual:

Thank you very much ;) Maybe i must use XSLT with 0.99 kernel, or

I'm talking about patch posted here:
Archived-At: <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/485999>

,-*- diff snip -*-
|-    t4=`echo $t3 | gawk '{ print $1 }'`
|-    t5=`echo $t1 | gawk '{ print $1 }'`
|+    t4=`pos_param 1 $t3`
|+    t5=`pos_param 1 $t1`
5     t6=`echo $t4 - $t5 | tr a-f A-F`
6     t7=`( echo  ibase=16 ; echo $t6 ) | bc`

I've just noticed, that things on lines 5 and 6 may be optimized.

t7=`printf "%lu" $(( 0x$t4 - 0x$t5 ))`

No tr, no bc, no pipes -- magic!
Better know and use our *fine shell*.

And if you jouined us, Tim, maybe can share your experience and test
patch above and this one, please?
Archived-At: <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/485984>

It's just my optimization hint. I have no bc, and i'm sure
things, like that will cause silent misinformation.

Anyway, what is so bad in `sh'?


-*- OT -*-
>   info '(bc)About Expressions and Special Variables'
GFDL. Enough of that bull, even Documentation/ is *free* from it.

Good bye.
-o--=O`C  info emacs : not found  /. .\ ( is there any reason to live? )
 #oo'L O  info make  : not found      o (    yes --- R.I.P. FSF+RMS    )
<___=E M  man gcc    : not found    `-- ( viva Debian Operating System )
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