Jeff Layton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This patch updates pipefs to do defer assigning an i_ino value to its inodes
> until someone actually tries to stat it. This allows us to have unique i_ino
> values for the inodes here, without the performance impact for anyone who
> doesn't actually care about it.
> Since we don't have an i_ino value at pipe creation time, we need something
> else to stuff into the dentry name. Here, I'm using the pointer address of
> the inode xor'ed with a random value. There are certainly better hashing
> schemes, so if someone wants to propose a better way to do this, then I'm
> open to looking at it (maybe halfmd4?).

Why XOR? To pretend a non-existent level of security?
Either you can't use the address, or you can read the obfusicator value, too.

OTOH, if sizeof(void*) <= sieof(ino_t), using the address will result in a
unique inode number without need for expensive hashing algorithms.
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The difference is small, but important.
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