Eric W. Biederman wrote:

Just for documentation the current interface is you come in through
the kernels 16bit entry point and get all of it's BIOS calls, or your
bootloader is responsible for getting the equivalent information

From what little I skimmed part of what Gujin wanted to do was sane
at first glance. Just boot a gziped vmlinux like the other
architectures. The problem was the 16bit code.
So there may be some good ideas buried in there somewhere, but it
likely to take some doing, and patches that I have to save before
I read them are a real pain!

Actually, as far as I can see, he has re-invented having a real-mode code chunk which then gets run before the protected-mode kernel. We already have that! You can even intercept between running real-mode and protected-mode if you really want to.

I don't really see anything new here. The one thing that he does which we might want to consider emulating is writing the real-mode code in C. Right now, the assembly code is very cluttered, and with the size limit having been, long ago, raised from 2K to 32K we should be able to fit a fair bit of code even if we use C.

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