On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 05:55:40PM +0200, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
> I accept all help and would be glad to make enhancements instead of
> the old API through new API. The biggest thing here first I think is
> adding devm support, that I think should address what seemed to be
> the need to add more code for a transformation into the API. I'd

I am confused. Why do we need devm support, given that devm is only
valid in probe() paths[*] and we do know that we do not want to load
firmware in probe() paths because it may cause blocking?

[*] Yes, I know there are calls to devm* outside of probe() but I am
pretty sure they are buggy unless they explicitly freed with devm* as
well and then there is no point. IN all other cases it is likely wrong
as it messes up with order of freeing resources.



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