Andi Kleen a écrit :
From: "Bryan O'Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This copy routine is memcpy-compatible, but on some architectures will use
cache-bypassing loads to avoid bringing the source data into the cache.

One case where this is useful is when a device issues a DMA to a memory
region, and the CPU must copy the DMAed data elsewhere before doing any work
with it.  Since the source data is read-once, write-never from the CPU's
perspective, caching the data at those addresses can only evict potentially
useful data.

We provide an x86_64 implementation that uses SSE non-temporal loads, and a
generic version that falls back to plain memcpy.

+       movq    %r11, 56(%rdi)
+       addq    %rcx, %rdi
+       cmpq    %rdx, %rcx      /* is rdx >= 64? */
+       jbe     .L42
+       sfence
+       orl     %edx, %edx
+       je      .L33

I have three questions/remarks

1) Just curious why sfence is necessary here ?

2) Shouldnt we use this for large buffers, and restrict them to a size multiple of 64, to avoid all these conditional branches ?

3) Also, the first 128 bytes of the source buffer will be bring into cache.

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