On Wednesday February 14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You are right. I have not contributed anything to Linux. Except one
> small patch to the MTD code. However, I don't think that is the point
> here. I am perfectly willing to live with the way Linux is today. I am
> telling you as a user that if Linux continues on the current path it
> will become less and less attractive to Embedded Users.

Every user should be free to choose which OS to use, Embedded users
included.   You are free to look elsewhere.

While having lots of users is good for Linux, it is not a short-term
goal.  Openness/freedom plus quality are the short-term goals.  Lots of
users (aka world domination) is the long term goal that we believe
will follow.

> Not everybody has to be a contributor. The reason Linux is popular is
> because of its openness. Take that away and see where it goes.

So tell us?  where does it go?

You seem to have the experience already.  You took an open linux,
added some closed drivers and so made it closed.  So you yourself (or
your company) have taken that (the openness) away - where did the
result go?

I'm guessing it went into a dead-end or you wouldn't be here talking to
us now.

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