On Sun, 2016-08-21 at 21:01 -0700, Josh Max wrote:
> This patch allows binfmt_misc to select the interpeter for arbitrary
> binaries by comparing a specified registered keyword with the value
> of a specified binary's extended attribute (user.binfmt.interp),
> and then launching the program with the registered interpreter.
> This is useful when wanting to launch a collection of binaries under
> the same interpreter, even when they do not necessarily share a 
> common extension or magic bits, or when their magic conflics with the
> operation of binfmt_elf. Some examples of its use would be to launch 
> some executables of various different architectures in a directory, 
> or for running some native binaries under a sandbox (like firejail) 
> automatically during their launch.

Could you expand on the use cases?  The patch set looks OK; the issue
with extended attributes is lack of universal support on filesystems,
but that may not be a problem because they're definitely supported on
all the standard ones.  I think the current F flag solves the foreign
binary in chroot or container.  Self sandboxing sounds reasonable, but
if this is a security feature, doesn't having the label under the user.
EAs mean that the confined binary can simply remove the label and
unconfine itself?


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