On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Eric Dumazet wrote:

David Lang a écrit :
I have a fork-heavy workload (a proxy that forks per connection, I know it's not the most efficiant design) and I discovered a 2x performance difference between a static and dynamicly linked version of the same program (2200 connections/sec vs 4700 connections/sec)

I know that there is overhead on program startup, but didn't expect to find it on a fork with no exec. If I has been asked I would have guessed that the static version would have been slower due to the need to mark more memory as COW.

what is it that costs so much with dynamic libraries on a fork/clone?

man ld.so

If set to non-empty string, causes the dynamic linker to resolve all symbols at program startup instead of deferring function
             call resolval to the point when they are first referenced.

If you do :
export LD_BIND_NOW=1
before starting your dynamicaly linked version, do you get different numbers ?

slightly, with LD_BIND_NOW=1 the dynamicly linked version goes up to 3000 connections/sec, gaining back about half the difference.

If some symbols are resolved dynamically after your forks(), the dynamic linker has to dirty some parts of memory and each child gets its own copy of modified pages. The cpu cost is not factorized, and memory needs are larger, so cpu caches are less efficient.

thanks, this makes sense.

With LD_BIND_NOW=1, the initial exec of your programm will be a litle bit longer, but in the end you win.

definantly, any cost that can be moved to startup instead of the per-connection handling pays off _very_ quickly

You may see effect of immediate binding with ldd command :
Its -r option asks to do the full binding :

# time ldd ./groff
       libstdc++.so.5 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 (0xf7ea0000)
       libm.so.6 => /lib/tls/libm.so.6 (0xf7e7e000)
       libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf7e73000)
       libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (0x42000000)
       /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7f5d000)
0.00user 0.00system 0:00.00elapsed 80%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+696minor)pagefaults 0swaps

# time ldd -r ./groff
       libstdc++.so.5 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 (0xf7e8f000)
       libm.so.6 => /lib/tls/libm.so.6 (0xf7e6d000)
       libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf7e62000)
       libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (0x42000000)
       /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7f4c000)
0.00user 0.00system 0:00.00elapsed 50%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+777minor)pagefaults 0swaps

You can see 777 pagefaults instead of 696 on this example.

the version of time on my system (debian 3.1) doesn't give me the cpu or pagefault info, just the times. where should I get the version that gives more info? (although I don't think I can apply it directly to my troubleshooting as the work is all being done in child processes).

David Lang

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