On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 03:23:12PM -0700, Scott Bauer wrote:
> I went back and reviewed the spec 1.2.1:
> http://www.nvmexpress.org/wp-content/uploads/NVM_Express_1_2_1_Gold_20160603.pdf
> Section 5.18 (page 140->141)
> Describes the security send command type and it doesn't have any reference of
> a namespace ID. Anecdotally, I just removed the ns->ns_id line from the code 
> and
> everything still works as intended. Is there another portion of the spec or 
> errata
> that requires ns_id? (I can't access 1.2.1 errta the link doesn't work).

As far as I can tell Security Send / Receive has always been intended to
apply to the whole controller, even if that's something I would not
personally think is a good idea.

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