I'm at a loss to explain why I can't get this working.

I have a driver written for 2.4 that I'm porting back to 2.2.  Every time I
think I got it working, something surprises me.  

First, I had a bunch of link errors on the redifintion of
__module_kernel_version.  To fix that, someone told me to do this:

#define __NO_VERSION__
#include <linux/version.h>

And sure enough, no more errors.

However, now I get this error from insmod when I try to load my driver:

[root@two ttabi]# insmod tdmcddk.sys 
tdmcddk.sys: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for

I've tried all sorts of things - recompiling the kernels, changing the order of
#include files (version.h, module.h, modversions.h, whatever).  Either the
driver won't link, or it won't load.

I had our other Linux programmer (who works only with 2.2) look at the problem,
but he couldn't figure it out, either.

I'd be very appreciative of any assistance.

Interactive Silicon - http://www.interactivesi.com

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