On (01/22/17 10:58), zhouxianrong wrote:
> 1. memset is just set a int value but i want to set a long value.

ah... ok. because you union it with the handle.

> 2. using clear_page rather than memset MAYBE due to in arm64 arch
>    it is a 64-bytes operations.

clear_page() basically does memset(), which is quite well optimized.
except for arm64, yes.

> 6.6.4. Data Cache Zero
> The ARMv8-A architecture introduces a Data Cache Zero by Virtual Address (DC 
> ZVA) instruction. This enables a block of 64
> bytes in memory, aligned to 64 bytes in size, to be set to zero. If the DC 
> ZVA instruction misses in the cache, it clears main
> memory, without causing an L1 or L2 cache allocation.
> but i only consider the arm64 arch, other archs need to be reviewed.

thaks for the reply.


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