On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 04:22:07PM -0700, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 03:00:53PM -0800, Andrey Pronin wrote:
> > Here I was talking not about tpm_tis_spi or tpm_tis. Those can
> > continue relying on the core, or register the default handler using
> > .shutdown = tpm_shutdown.  I'm talking about the driver like
> > tpm_i2c_infineon, which although uses the core, is created for a
> > specific family of chips. So, it can assume that it needs to send
> > vendor-specific commands.
> But this is exactly what I'm talking about, infineon chips come in
> lots of interface types, and if their legacy i2c interface need a
> vendor command then likely their chips that use a common interface do
> as well.
> Conflating interface and bus is something I have been ripping out over
> the years..

Thanks, Jason. OK, I'll try to follow that path then with my patches.

> > > So, the core should detect chip XYZ and then issue the required
> > > vendor-specific command in some way.
> > 
> > Do I get it right that you propose to create this new core tpm
> > mechanism for handling shutdowns? I didn't find anything that'd
> > allow to call vendor-specifc hooks from the core during shutdown,
> > but may be I'm missing something.
> It would be simple to add to the core path:
> if (chip->id == 1234)
>     tpm_vendor_1234_shutdown(...);
> We don't need to involve the driver in this. If it becomes a very
> complex thing down then road then we may need *bus* and *chip*
> drivers, but for now the 'chip' driver(s) are just inlined in the core
> code..
> But if there is no actual need to do this right now then don't worry
> about overdesigning things..

OK, I can live with chip->id specific logic in probe/shutdown, if that's
the current approach.

> > > Probably the *best* thing would be to add shutdown to 'struct class'
> > > in the driver core like suspend/resume?
> > 
> > Yes, if that could be added to struct class, and then device_shutdown()
> > would call the class suspend, if the driver suspend is NULL, that'd
> > solve it.
> Won't know if it is possible until someone sends a patch to Greg/etc :)
> > Then the core can register the default shutdown in class, and an
> > individual access driver can override it by registering its own
> > shutdown callback. Still, due to the ordering issues discussed
> > above, it should be either/or, not first-driver-then-class, if both
> > exist.
> First class then driver is the usual model, which is OK for TPM.

If "first class then driver", then the already existing
register_reboot_notifier() can play the role of the class handler,
since those hooks are called before drivers' shutdown handlers.

> > So, we still need to export the common tpm_shutdown().
> No need to export if no driver is calling it, like I said don't
> overdesign here, it is trivial to change if someone needs to do
> something different later.

So, I started putting together an alternative patch (decided to go
with a new patch instead of a new version for this one, since it's
no longer limited to Infineon driver). The new patch is just going
to do the following
        if (chip->ops) {
                if (chip->flags & TPM_CHIP_FLAG_TPM2)
                        tpm2_shutdown(chip, TPM2_SU_CLEAR);
                chip->ops = NULL;
on shutdown in registered "reboot notifier".

I went through the places that access chip->ops to see what's
going on at the moment with protecting them with tpm_try_get_ops().
Here is the current state:

 - tpm_transmit/tpm_transmit_cmd. Not exported and are only called
   by the core after tpm_try_get_ops() except for one place in
   sysfs - pubek_show().

 - sysfs also directly accesses chip->ops in cancel_store(), but
   that routine doesn't seem to be used anywhere. Shall it be
   just removed?

 - tpm_get_timeouts. Besides the core is called by xen-tpmfront,
   but before tpm_chip_register(), so no harm possible as of now.

 - wait_for_tpm_stat. Besides the core is called by xen-tpmfront.
   It is called from inside chip->ops handlers only, which presumably
   can happen only when the ops_sem is hold (once sysfs is fixed).

 - st33zp24 has it's own wait_for_stat() function that goes directly
   to chip->ops. It happens inside chip->ops->recv/send (as for Xen),
   which is fine. And also inside its resume handler, which is fine
   as long as resume can never happen after shutdown (I believe it's

So, if I add going through tpm_try_get_ops() to pubek_show and
delete cancel_store(), that'll fix sysfs, and be enough for the things
to work for now.

But it looks a bit brittle. So, before I submit my next patch:
Do you think it's ok to leave wait_for_tpm_stat() and
tpm_get_timeouts() and just continue be mindful when using those
low-level functions? Or, shall we instead move acquiring ops_sem
and checking for ops == NULL inside those low-level functions:
tpm_transmit, wait_for_tpm_stat, tpm_get_timeout. It then should
probably be separated from get_device(), which can be kept inside

> > to start with that: create and export the common tpm_shutdown() from
> > the core, that send Shutdown(CLEAR) for 2.0 and null-ifies chip->ops
> > (and fix sysfs to acquire chip->ops_sem) and let the interested drivers
> > call it.
> I think you should do this and use the reboot_notifier or
> class->shutdown approach
> I'm not completely sure why you are worrying about sending a
> vendor-specific command at shutdown. Do you actually need that?

Yes, I do need that to send sleep-control vendor commands to the
device in my case during shutdown (as well as suspend and resume).
It makes much more sense to send them using tpm_transfer_cmd, which
relies on chip->ops, than reimplementing the same functionality in
the device driver.

Again, I can live with "if (chip->id == 1234)" logic in core to
achieve that for now, if that's the chosen course. (Or, just
register a device-specific "reboot notifier" with lower priority
to be called before the "class-level" shutdown logic.)

> Jason

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