On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Pavel Machek wrote:

> > > Because I set up a diskless Linux-workstation, I want to swap
> > > over NFS. For this purpose I found only patches for "older"
> > > Linux-versions (2.0, 2.1, 2.2?).
> > 
> > > Does anyone know wheter there are patches for 2.4 or does anyone
> > > know another solution for this problem?
> > 
> > 1. you can swap over NBD
> Are you sure, Rik? So we no longer have low-memory deadlocks in nbd?
> Wow, there used to be plenty of them in past.
> Do you promise it is possible to swap over NBD?

David Miller will have to promise he removed the allocation
bugs from tcp.c ;)  [which seem to be the low-memory deadlocks
you observed as well]


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