Andrew Morton wrote:

On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 16:14:01 -0400 Stephen Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have just tried booting the fc7-rc2 live cd on 2 of my laptops and it failed on both.

Laptop 1 is an asus vbi s96f that get a panic that says exception in interrupt routine
for my rtl8139.

This device works fine in

That's regression #1.  Are you able to take a photograph of the screen
when it has crashed?  Setting the display to 50 rows would make that more
useful.  (serial console would be better, but I assume that thing has
no serial port).

The other laptop is a hp n5430 it fail in the ali-pata driver not being able to read the cdrom, timeing out and dropping into a bash shell telling me to tell it where the root filesystem is.

That's #2, I guess.

Also it sets my hard
drive to udma/33 when it run find at udma/66 under

#3.  Hopefully it's related to #2.

Please send the full dmesg output for on the n5430.

It would really be nice if the people makeing all these changes would at least keep things compatible with what they were before. These are regressions

We try ;)

This hp n5430 system works fine with

Thanks, it helps.

I'll see if I can get a serial port console setup on each laptop, failing that I'll take a



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