On 5/23/2017 10:48 PM, Ken Goldman wrote:
On 5/18/2017 5:38 AM, Roberto Sassu wrote:
On 5/17/2017 6:28 PM, Ken Goldman wrote:
On 5/17/2017 3:25 AM, Roberto Sassu wrote:

The format of digestN is: <algo name>:\0<digest value>, the same used
for the file digest.

Since the format is changing from the SHA-1 log format anyway ...

How do people feel about the colon and null terminated string format for
algorithm identifiers?

The TCG standard enumerations are uint16_t, and there is a registry of
hash algorithms.

As a consuming parser, it feels nice to know it's always 2 bytes and not
have to worry about a missing colon or a missing nul terminator risking
a buffer overflow.

There cannot be buffer overflow, because the length of each digest
field is known.


I was not referring to the digest, but the digest algorithm.

I wanted opinions on the colon and null terminated string format for
algorithm identifiers.

The TCG standard log uses the TCG standard enumerations.  They're always
exactly 2 bytes.  Parsing is trivial.

I have two concerns regarding this:

is there a standard way to convert TPM_ALG_ to strings, like a function
exposed by the TSS? If not, suppose that a parser uses openssl to verify
the integrity of event data, by calculating the digest. Then,
the parser should maintain an association table between TPM_ALG_
and a string (the string will be passed to EVP_get_digestbyname()).
When a new TPM algorithm is added to the TCG registry, all parsers
should be modified to update the association table. If IMA sends
a string, only the crypto subsystem has to be updated.

The format I'm proposing for event data digests would be the same
of that used for file digests. Should IMA provide a list with
two different formats?


If IMA uses strings, the attacker can send, e.g., sha1: and not null
terminate it.  A careful parser can go a byte at a time until it reaches
a maximum length - if you specify a maximum length.  But it is an attack
surface.  Is there a corresponding advantage?

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