Dear Friend.


My Name is Mustapha Ali, I am a banker by profession. I am from
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, West Africa. My reason of contacting you is
to transfer an abandoned fund $5M US Dollars to your account if you
agree with me.

The owner of this fund died since 2003 with his Next Of Kin. I want to
present you to the bank as the Next of Kin/beneficiary of this fund.

Please indicate your interest and willingness by sending the below
information for more clarification and confident to enable me feed you
with more details concerning the business deal.

(1) Your full name...............................
(2) Your age and sex............................
(3) Your contact address..................
(4) Your private phone no..........
(5) Fax number if Any..............
(6) Your country of origin..................
(7) Your occupation.........................’
(8) Your photo………………………………..

Further details of the transaction shall be forward to you as soon as
I receive your response indicating your interest in handling this

 Have a Great Day,

Mustapha Ali.

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