David Brownell wrote:
>>> 1   if (To control chain reactions, your odds
>>> 2                   Improve if you've got cadmium rods) {
>>> 3           In your fission reactor
>>> 4           Their lack is a factor
>>> 5   }
>>> 6   In screams of "A meltdown! Ye gods!"
>>> Now, the former makes it hard to tell what's condition vs consequent.
>>> (Or whatever the correct technical term is in cases like these.)
>> My fu dictates that continuation lines (line 2 in this example)
>> should have more indent than line 1, 
> Yes.  Where "indent" is measured -- always!! -- in tabs.
> Documentation/Coding style is quite explicit on that point:
>       Outside of comments, documentation and except in Kconfig,
>       spaces are never used for indentation ...

I usually indent this way if expressions exceed the 80 columns limit:

        if (foo___________ &&
            bar___________) {
        if ((one___________ ||
             one_and_a_half) &&
            two___________) {

static int definition(abc_______,

and I know I'm not the only one.  Yes, this means I indent with tabs and
spaces --- if I wrap within expressions or within lists of function
arguments.  Of course there are always leading tabs before spaces, never
leading spaces.

PS:  Everyone please try to avoid blowing CodingStyle up to a 200 pages
document.  Thanks.
Stefan Richter
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