On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 06:17:48PM -0500, David Riley wrote:
> Richard Torkar wrote:
> > 
> > Well David, there is such a "manual".
> > 
> > http://ftp.sunet.se/LDP/FAQ/faqs/GCC-SIG11-FAQ
> Yes.  And if you ask the average new Linux user if they've read it, I
> doubt you'll get a "yes".  My question boils down to this, and this I
> suppose is a personal/informational request for comments, so don't
> clutter the list with responses directed at me:  What (in your opinion)
> is the most commonly read Linux user-land document?

Well, a copy of that document *is* the first hit for a google search on
'linux signal 11 faq'

In other words, someone who does the slightest bit of research will 
find the answer.

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