Jeff Garzik wrote:

Francois Romieu wrote:
Pointer for the rtl8139 regression please ?

I'm guessing it's this one:

        Subject    : boot failure: rtl8139: exception in interrupt routine
        References :
        Submitter  : Stephen Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Status     : unknown

The poster says rtl8139, but doesn't provide more info. His lspci says "RTL8169SC", which sounds more like r8169 to me.


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Yeah, that was my bad it is a RTL8169SC, and the problem was intermittent
sometimes is cause a panic othertimes it didn't.

It is laptop that does not have a serial port and I could not couldn't
get  the
kernel to boot using a usb serial port so I couldn't get a screen capture of
the intermittant panic.



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