Ishikawa wrote:
> 2.4.0-test-11: K7 compile error: `current' missing in string macro.
> Symptom:
> 2.4.0-test11 won't compile with K7 if we choose it for CPU.
> The compile error is attached at the end.
> The same config except for CPU (AMD K6) works.
> The diff of config is shown immediately below.
> (I saved the old config from some early test-1x series
> compilation.)
> HALF-HEARTED FIX suggestion.:
> I looked around and found asm/current.h had this
> #define current get_current()
> QUESTION: Shouldn't this code  be enabled for AMD K6-III
> (not K7), too? (It would boost the performance on this CPU if so.)
> Or does K6-III lack some instructions of 3D-Now (available
> in K7, Athlon or Duron) and so can't use these macros?
> Either way, asm/current.h needs to be included
> somewhere (probably after the include statements quoted above?)

Either deselect SMP or see the patch I posted here in May. If you just keep
adding headers for stuff in_interrupt() needs, you soon hit a circular

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