On 09/19/2017 10:08 AM, John Stultz wrote:
So what I was thinking of to improve the developer usability might be
the following:

1) Leave the upstream configs in place.  We can try to keep
maintaining them, but its not something the Android team is likely to
care greatly about, and hopefully can be ignored. Meanwhile for the
folks tinkering with upstream, there's something that helps them
figure things out. When the next android-x.y tree comes out, you can
simply remove it.

2) To the android-x.y branches, add a script to the kernel/configs/
dir to fetch the current config directly from the config repo. This
way its simple for folks to get the right thing w/o looking anything
up. This won't fly upstream, but should be fine for common.git


LGTM. If anyone has concerns let me know, otherwise I'll proceed with #2.


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