Hi Andy,

Thank you for your review. Changes since the previous submission are
highlighted below.

On Topstar U931 Notebooks, an issue prevents the WLAN toggle key from
being properly managed by the Embedded Controller and successfully
disconnect the adapter. A specific ACPI method allows to toggle the WLAN
LED state regardless.

These are barebone laptops, sold under quite a lot of brands and
configurations, with different firmwares and so on. I can only say for sure
that this issue is present for all the models sold under a specific brand,
that's why I'm reluctant to enable this by default with a DMI check.

Thus, the new `led_workaround` option registers this LED with the
corresponding subsystem, making possible to use a software-based trigger
(rfkill for instance to synchronize the LED with the softkill state).

Thank you for your time,

Guillaume Douézan-Grard

Changes since v1:

* leave devices names unchanged for ABI compatibility,
* fix label names,
* separate module authors definition,
* add commit description to Patch 3.

Guillaume Douézan-Grard (4):
  platform/x86: topstar-laptop: non-functional changes
  platform/x86: topstar-laptop: change to generic module
  platform/x86: topstar-laptop: add platform device
  platform/x86: topstar-laptop: add optional WLAN LED workaround

 drivers/platform/x86/Kconfig          |   2 +
 drivers/platform/x86/topstar-laptop.c | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)


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