
2017-11-11 22:21 GMT+01:00 Jonas Oberg <jo...@fsfe.org>:
> I wouldn't do that now. Adding SPDX license identifiers is in most cases
> quite sufficient and something which I would encourage first.
> What you mention about the LICENSES/ folder and the License-Filename
> tag (which can be repeated) is an addition which is a bit more specific,
> especially for BSD licenses where the SPDX license identifier alone does
> not convey information about the specific "attribution requirement" of
> each licensor.
> Most often though, as you find the BSD licenses in the source code headers,
> we wouldn't want the license text separated from them, and it would be
> contrary to the REUSE principles to do so.

Thank you for the fast reply. Just as summary:

1. SPDX license identifier first
2. Full BSD/MIT/ISC license in source files is sufficient and don't
   require License-Filename
3. verbatim licenses which are not in source files (GPL, LGPL, MPL, ...)
   should be in LICENSES/
4. License-Filename tag can be added later and multiple are allowed per

If this understanding is correct then I would still propose that the
LICENSES folder is prepared with the previously identified long licenses
(which are currently not stored completely in the source files):

curl -o LICENSES/GPL-1.0.txt https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-1.0.txt
curl -o LICENSES/GPL-2.0.txt https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
curl -o LICENSES/MPL-1.1.txt
curl -o LICENSES/LGPL-2.0.txt https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.0.txt
curl -o LICENSES/LGPL-2.1.txt https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt

# change file to reference LICENSES/GPL-2.0.txt ?

git commit

Charlemagne Lasse

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