On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Mohammad A. Haque wrote:

> [mhaque@viper mhaque]$ df
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda3             12737128   9988400   2101712  83% /
> /dev/hda2                46668     15106     29153  35% /boot
> /dev/hdd1             44327416  26319188  15756484  63% /home2
> none                   8388608     11944   8376664   1% /dev/shm

No, you misunderstood me. df is always going to say 1k-blocks, but that
doesn't mean that the filesystem's allocation unit is actually 1k.

Try doing a tune2fs -l on the device holding the filesystem and grep for
"Block size". Although... looking at the numbers above, it's almost
certainly 4k.

> Yes, exactly 4096 nulls.

That's what I thought... thanks.


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