Satyam Sharma wrote:
> It's quite funny to worship them as "prophets" and adopt their style
> for some stuff (with a simple "Rationale: K&R.") one instant and then
> suggest a style completely opposite to theirs one screenful later in
> the same file.

That's what happens to a text which is incrementally written by people
with different writing styles (and different opinions).

As a slightly off-topic side note:  CodingStyle was once a guideline
which sort of worked because it was a compact and entertaining read; so
some people took the time to read it and didn't mind too much to adopt
the preferred style.  It appears that CodingStyle is now being
transformed into a norm which the authors want to make work by being
comprehensive, and by being able to point offenders to a chapter/
section/ clause which they breached.  Alas only a few people will be
able and willing to memorize CodingStyle's rules then.

I don't know which form is better suited to the goal of well
maintainable code --- the compact, easy to read, winning guideline, or
the comprehensive norm.
Stefan Richter
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