Is this feature or bug?

First a test on 'stable' 2.2.x kernel:

        eax /tmp % uname -a
        Linux eax 2.2.17pre15 #1 Sat Aug 5 14:31:19 EDT 2000 i586 unknown

        eax /tmp % dd if=/dev/zero of=holed.file bs=1000 seek=5000 count=1000
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out

        eax /tmp % ls -l holed.file 
        -rw-rw-r--    1 adam     adam      6000000 Nov 29 08:57 holed.file

        eax /tmp % du -sh holed.file 
        983k    holed.file

Above holey file is as expected aproximately 1mb. 
However, when I try on 'development' 2.4.x kernel

        [adam@pepsi /tmp]$ uname -a
        Linux pepsi 2.4.0-test7-packet #24 SMP Fri Sep 8 20:26:35 EDT 2000 i686

        [adam@pepsi /tmp]$  dd if=/dev/zero of=holed.file bs=1000 seek=5000 count=1000
        1000+0 records in
        1000+0 records out

        [adam@pepsi /tmp]$ ls -l holed.file 
        -rw-rw-r--    1 adam     adam      6000000 Nov 29 08:52 holed.file

        [adam@pepsi /tmp]$ du -sh holed.file 
        1.9M    holed.file

The holey file is twice as big, 

at almost 2mb instead of expected 1mb.

Adam      The Supreme Headquarters of the 32 bit registers

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