On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 03:04:36PM +0530, afzal mohammed wrote:
> Let PDF & HTML's be created out of memory-barriers Text by
> reStructuring.
> reStructuring done were,
> 1. Section headers modification, lower header case except start
> 2. Removal of manual index(contents section), since it now gets created
>    automatically for html/pdf
> 3. Internal cross reference for easy navigation
> 4. Alignment adjustments
> 5. Strong emphasis made wherever there was emphasis earlier (through
>    other ways), strong was chosen as normal emphasis showed in italics,
>    which was felt to be not enough & strong showed it in bold
> 6. ASCII text & code snippets in literal blocks
> 7. Backquotes for inline instances in the paragraph's where they are
>    expressed not in English, but in C, pseudo-code, file path etc.
> 8. Notes section created out of the earlier notes
> 9. Manual numbering replaced by auto-numbering
> 10.Bibliography (References section) made such that it can be
>    cross-linked
> Signed-off-by: afzal mohammed <afzal.mohd...@gmail.com>
> ---
> Hi,
> With this change, pdf & html could be generated. There certainly are
> improvements to be made, but thought of first knowing whether migrating
> memory-barriers from txt to rst is welcome.
> The location chosen is "Documentation/kernel-hacking", i was unsure
> where this should reside & there was no .rst file in top-level directory
> "Documentation", so put it into one of the existing folder that seemed
> to me as not that unsuitable.
> Other files refer to memory-barrier.txt, those also needs to be
> adjusted based on where .rst can reside.

How do you plan to handle the external references? For example, the
following LWN articles has a link this file:


And changing the name and/or location will break that link, AFAIK.


> afzal

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