On Friday 18 May 2007 15:56:07 Ingo Molnar wrote:
> * Anant Nitya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Been testing this version of CFS from last an hour or so and still
> > facing same lag problems while browsing sites with heavy JS and or
> > flash usage. Mouse movement is pathetic and audio starts to skip. I
> > haven't face this behavior with CFS till v11.
> i have just tried 5 different versions of the Flash plugin and i cannot
> reproduce this (flash games are still smooth and acceptable even with
> the system significantly overloaded with 5 infite loops or with a kernel
> build), so it would be nice if you could help me debug this problem.
> The last version that worked for you was v11, correct? The biggest v11
> -> v12 change was the yield workaround, and while testing your workload
> i also noticed that all Flash versions except the latest one (9.0 r31)
> use sys_sched_yield() quite frequently. So it would be nice to know
> which plugin version you are using (and which Firefox version): you can
> check that by typing about:plugins into firefox. Furthermore, could you
> also try the following tune:
>    echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_yield_bug_workaround
> and this:
>    echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_yield_bug_workaround
> if none of this changes behavior then please send me the output of the
> following:
>   strace -ttt -TTT -o strace.txt -f -p `pidof firefox-bin`
>   < reproduce the lag in firefox >
>   < Ctrl-C the strace >
> and send me the strace.txt file (off-line, it's going to be large).
> Thanks,
Hi Ingo,

Please ignore my last report about lag problem while using CFS-v13, it is 
working perfectly fine with and the lag I used to see in v12 is not 
there with v13 anymore. After digging in a bit I found that problem is only 
occurring in 2.6.22-rc1 and it get fired by network usage while transmitting 
data upstream. I don't have any evidence that CFS is involved in lag problem 
since 2.6.22-rc1 with stock scheduler is also having same lag problem and it 
seems directly proportional with upstream speed while downstream doesn't 
shows any misbehavior { at lower upstream speed lag is less but with higher 
upstream speed system starts crawling and system load hitting to 70/75}. Lets 
see how 2.6.22-rc2 is doing.


>       Ingo

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