> > I'll do a proper fix and queue it so your museum is kept alive. Thank you.
> Museum, space heater and ventilation system all in one? :-) Actually, I do have a computer museum that is open for groups in Tartu, Estonia, at University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science. But this museum displays older stuff than P3. In the queue for the museum, I have lots of servers and desktops and laptops that look too similar for presentation but are interesting for testing kernels. This set includes 100+ machines that are ocassionally powered on and most test 1-2 RC-s and the release kernels - can not afford to run them 24x7. Currently, there are 30+ sparc64 machines, 30 x86 towers (mostly desktop, mostly 32-bit), 7 laptops, 25 x86 rack servers, 6 ia64, 2 powerpc, 4 alpha and 5 parisc machines. At any moment, at least some of them are out of order but the majority are alive. -- Meelis Roos (mr...@linux.ee)