On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 09:57:02 +0100, 
Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The problem is in modules.conf
>Most users do not use "depfile" and "path" commands
>So they have not seen this problem.
>This was true for modutils-2.3.19, and older versions.
>With modutils-2.3.20 the syntax have changed.
>Anything in ChangeLog?
>`uname -r` has to be changed in $(uname -r)

Try this patch against modutils 2.3.20.  If it does not fix the problem
then I will need a copy of your modules.conf.  `uname -r` should work
even without this patch, it does for me.  You must have something
unusual in your modules.conf.

Index: 21.4/util/meta_expand.c
--- 21.4/util/meta_expand.c Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:38:04 +1100 kaos 
(modutils-2.3/10_meta_expan 644)
+++ 21.4(w)/util/meta_expand.c Wed, 22 Nov 2000 11:14:54 +1100 kaos 
+(modutils-2.3/10_meta_expan 644)
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ int meta_expand(char *pt, GLOB_LIST *g, 
        if (line) {
-               /* Ignore result if no expansion occurred */
-               xstrcat(tmpline, "\n", sizeof(tmpline));
-               if (strcmp(tmpline, line))
-                       split_line(g, line, 0);
+               /* shell used to strip one set of quotes.  Paranoia code in
+                * 2.3.20 stops that strip so we do it ourselves.
+                */
+               split_line(g, line, 1);

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