On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Taco IJsselmuiden wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Martin Josefsson wrote:
> > On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Taco IJsselmuiden wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I'm having trouble masquerading ftp-ports other than 20/21.
> > > For some service i'm using, i need to masquerade port 42,43,62,63 for FTP
> > > (I know it's weird...).
> > > Now, when using 2.2.x kernels i could use
> > > 'insmod ip_masq_ftp ports=21,41,42,62,63'
> > > but using 2.4.0-testx the 'ports=' parameter doesn't seem to work for
> > > ip_nat_ftp.
> > > Is there any other param I should use (couldn't find it in the docs ;(( )
> > 
> > There is a ftp-multi patch that you can apply to get this working
> > 
> > download iptables-1.2 and run 'make patch-o-matic' and apply the ftp-multi
> > patch and recompile the ftp module... you're done.
> hmm... iptables-1.2 ?
> I can only find iptables-1.1.2 (netfilter.filewatcher.org,
> netfilter.kernelnotes.org)...
> Where could I find 1.2 then ??

Ouch, I was typing a little too fast there... it should be 1.1.2

> I'm running 1.1.2 right now, actually, which should have the 'ftp-multi
> patch for non-standard ftp servers'...

Well have you applied the ftp-multi patch? (this is a patch so that the
ftp-module takes a ports parameter, the thing you probably are talking
about is a bug which I and several others found in the ftp-module, these
two things have nothing with each other to do.) 


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