Resent to address reviewer comments, and allow builds with compilers
  that support -DRETPOLINE to succeed.

  Currently, the VDSO does not handle
     clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts )
  on Intel / AMD - it calls
  for this clock, which issues a syscall, having an unacceptably high
  latency (minimum measurable time or time between measurements)
  of 300-700ns on 2 2.8-3.9ghz Haswell x86_64 Family'_'Model : 06_3C
  machines under various versions of Linux.

  Sometimes, particularly when correlating elapsed time to performance
  counter values, user-space  code needs to know elapsed time from the
  perspective of the CPU no matter how "hot" / fast or "cold" / slow it
  might be running wrt NTP / PTP "real" time; when code needs this,
  the latencies associated with a syscall are often unacceptably high.

  I reported this as Bug #198161 :
  and in previous posts with subjects matching 'CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW' .

  This patch handles CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW clock_gettime() in the VDSO ,
  by exporting the raw clock calibration, last cycles, last xtime_nsec,
  and last raw_sec value in the vsyscall_gtod_data during vsyscall_update() .

  Now the new do_monotonic_raw() function in the vDSO has a latency of @ 20ns
  on average, and the test program:
  succeeds with arguments: '-c 4 -t 120' or any arbitrary -t value.

  The patch is against Linus' latest 4.16-rc5 tree,
  current HEAD of :

  This patch affects only files:


  Patches for kernels 3.10.0-21 and 4.9.65-rt23 (ARM) are attached to bug 
  as is the test program, timer_latency.c, to demonstrate the problem.

  Before the patch a latency of 200-1000ns was measured for
  calls - after the patch, the same call on the same machine
  has a latency of @ 20ns.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Jason Vas Dias

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