The Fair Pay In Cyberspace is nearing completion of philosophy.


Background and Points So Far:

I believe that the ultimate iteration of the computational mindset, will be "Fair Pay In Cyberspace".

Homecomputers started with Eniac-1. It seems to embody monotheistic principles. And as such drives ofcourse later developments, as a kind of "forefather" of computers. I/O seems an early OS, that high-levels input and output, for easier interaction with hardware. Unix is a complete high-level OS that generalizes things to virtualized input/output. The Amiga is the first affordable homecomputer, with multimedia possibilties, that gains a large independent user group. Available source becomes a decentralized operating systems development paradigm.

I have designed Racoh Computer. as an ultimate iteration of this. A complete and coherent philosophy for Fair Pay In Cyberspace, that is monotheistic. that I believe is the only needed philosophy in cyberspace. And so enjoinably religious. Turning everyone from independent creators into profitmakers, to big businesses, maximizing income potential, and on a larger scale, maximal global net income for all countries, for digital goods.

Fair Pay In Cyberspace should be your monotheistic principle for this.

The design is coherent down to the whole computer design.


An optimal screenmode would use 128x antialiasing, as this is maximal pixel information, pr resolution. Best with an 8K render to quadratic subpixel precise 4K surface (8K grid), where ofcourse the subpixel intensities represents the colordepth optimally. Earlier one has also determined 72hz to be the minimal psychovisual noise refresh rate aswell. I also found the 72.734hz refresh rate to be minimal psychovisual noise, higher will only give more noise.

Since such 4K screens does not exist yet, I haven´t been able to test that on 4K, but with the amount of information in such a mode, 30hz also works very well. Here, the undocumented 3x3 Supersampling + 4x SGSS -no MSAA- Nvidia mode Anisotropic optimizations must be off, and filtering set to 2x, and LOD Bias -0.5.

A standardization around this mode for Fair Pay In Cyberspace, is what we want.

A fast pseudo 4K Upscale mode for fantasygames:

Fantasygames has a tendency of getting too graphic on 4K. I suggest dividing games into two main groups: Fantasy and Simulator. The helicopter simulator may use The Mode as told about earlier, fantasygames, may use a 1920x1080 faster fantasymode, where realism is not so important, and masks unwanted things, such as impressions of "gore" and exagarrated fantasyelements, "clan" secterism, and regressive elements in the way of Fair Pay In Cyberspace, and such states it is only a game.

For this I used a render resolution of 1920x1080, 2x multisampling antialiasing only (transparency multisampling also on) for smoothing the edges just a bit, more gets blurry, and 2x anistotropic filtering, for round edges on zoomed textures and "game profile", and also -0.1250 lod bias, for "game profile". Negative lod bias allowed, high quality filtering, and no trilinear optimization. Then we upscale this 3x by NN, and use a median filter, for extrapolating a pseudo 3x res, and resample it to 4K, with a bicubic (a=75) filter. This gives a fast, (pseudo) 4K "game profile" mode for fantasy games, that indeed is what they want, combining Fair Pay In Cyberspace philosophy, with gamers wishes.

Sound: 1-bit Diode converter.

The audiobusiness has definately become about the 1-bit converter. We try to do this in the best way, with using a 1-bit converter, with diodes on the output, and shifting the bitstream up in frequency, so that one only needs a minimal of analog components on the output, here just a one pole filter, where theoretically a 3.6mhz stream will give -110dB nosefloor, as a professional converter.


As a font, we use a script-perfect variant, the Lucida Console Font, respecting the past masters. Also used on this website.


An OS is I/O via virtualized nodes, signal routing (scheduling etc) and usually a visual user interface. Programmed with a code-sequence of a certain dialect, usually Esthetic C. Peak jitter below 200μs converges to optimal. Streaming conventions could be implemented in a new standard, and protocol aswell, Could even be a whole new language with bytecode directly transported to CPU, combining scripting, interpreted, and native speed, by adding more instructions, possibly 3 clocks in 1 (particulary since a lot of C is just assembly macros anyway), where instead of HTML commands, this for swiftness and low-latency, and with all digital distribution goods marked with author, county/country, and automatically delegated a fair non-selfrejecting welldefined value - Deliar. Code components for OS, also being digitalgoods etc, decentralized independent author news, scholarship etc.

And the understanding will be that the OS has available source, intended for use in a system, where fair pay delegations are done, for resonable use, eventually maintenance, support and updates for users. Implementing work union principles, and labour party politics. Indeed Fair Pay In Cyberspace, aswell.

The whole computing industry is based on business. From Commodore Business Machines, to International Business Machines, to Microsoft, and Bill Gates. What better than a machine, that is completely designed for fair pay, considering general reason, and monotheism.

And do not think of fantasies of Unix hacker-scenarios where there is no money involved. A hacker was originally a quite serious person working at Bell Labs, "clocking in and out", making an income. Also related to the sound of keyboardclicks. People who worked on Unix, and BSD is a legal derivative of Unix. Which makes it the OS with the least dodgy background, The GNU Unix ripoff being Linux version of Windows CP/M ripoff scandal, and shunned for idolaterous zealousy. Microsoft compilers have software locked 80bit precision also, which is there (since x86) for a reason, and Windows never had decent thread priorities, nor realtime. Why not just start patching OpenBSD for a more pleasurable experience.

Rather Fair Pay In Cyberspace is a real religious principle. It supposes that there is a truth, and Ommoh ("God") that defines "Fair Pay". And so the non-selfrejecting value of a work, is the same as the maximal sales point of business school. And really optimal national net income. And maximal global economic flow. And this, decentralized, and independent for all digital distribution goods.

A true and ultimate "hacker"/enthusiast/90s-indie dream/general computer user would instead be to establish a fair independent internet economy for digital distribution goods. So Fair Pay In Cyberspace is the philosophical principle to follow here. With a resulting monotheistic netculture. From conception to critical mass. That hopefully will influence culture in general in a positive way.

Peace Be With You.

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