On Jun 14, 2007, Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to be able to use other peoples improvements. If they release 
> improved versions of the software I started, I want to be able to merge 
> those improvements if I want to.

Hmm...  So, if someone takes one of the many GPLv2+ contributions and
makes improvements under GPLv3+, you're going to make an effort to
accept them, rather than rejecting them because they're under the

> Your *IDIOTIC* suggestion is explicitly against the whole POINT! By saying 
> that I shouldn't accept contributions like that, you just INVALIDATED the 
> whole point of the license in the first place!

I understand.  I assumed you had some trust that people would abide by
your wish to permit TiVOization, and that authors of modifications
were entitled to make "whatever restrictions they wanted" on their

Pardon me if I think your position is at least somewhat incoherent.
Can you help me make sense of it?

Alexandre Oliva         http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
FSF Latin America Board Member         http://www.fsfla.org/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED], gcc.gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED], gnu.org}
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