Carlo Wood, Sat, Jun 16, 2007 16:03:40 +0200:
> $ git merge origin
> fatal: Needed a single revision
> Usage: /usr/bin/git-merge [-n] [--no-commit] [--squash] [-s <strategy>]... 
> <merge-message> <head> <remote>+
> For some reason I don't think I should be needing commands that need
> "<merge-message>"; I don't want to change the (local) tree in anyway.

I'd recommend to upgrade your git. There are some really nice
improvements in the latest versions (, for instance).
Particularly, the command above would have worked. That is, assuming
you actually do have that origin branch. In any case, a

    $ git fetch 
git:// master
    $ git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD

will get you the very latest kernel in your working directory. Has
some disadvantages, though: does not retrieve the tags and destroys
local changes.

But you'll find a man page of git-remote and git-config very
interesting, especially wrt the above operation. I do just "git pull",
for example and actually _am_ sure I get the latest kernel, get all
the tags and never loose local changes.

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