On 2018/7/30 19:18, David Howells wrote:
> Gao Xiang <gaoxian...@huawei.com> wrote:
>> struct erofs_mount_private priv = {
>>      .dev_name = dev_name,
>>      .options = data
>> };
>> return mount_bdev(fs_type, flags, dev_name, &priv, erofs_fill_super);
>> However, I have no idea if it is safe to do so in the future, so I also
>> change it into a more stardard way.
> Hopefully, in the near future, you won't do it like this at all, but rather
> create an fs_context and then your filesystem would be able to munge that
> directly before calling mount_bdev().

OK, got you. Look forword to the new fs_context feature and thanks for your 
help :)

Gao Xiang

> David

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