* Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:51:37 -0700

I didn't want to respond to your prev. messages, because i felt, that
they will be mis-read again as my original NAK (ASCII negative
acknowledgement symbol, no other "fsky" meaning inside). Also i wanted
to come up with more nice tool, like colour support (like `ls' or 
`quilt diff'), CROSS toolchains support, nicer sed magic in implementation,

All this was in my short original comment. Yes that message was short and
somebody even thought i was not so polite -- from my POV that was
concrete description of the bug, with clear goodwill to help. Therefore,
IMNSHO one *must* suppress any personal angriness before replying to
(very simple and small in this case) technical issues.

Now i feel the same as Bartlomiej described in the discussion of regression
tracking, that got even quoted in LWN prev. kernel page [0].

I will not say i'm sad, i will say it's awesome to have so much attention
to silly issues like /bin/sh->/bin/bash. By the way it was Linus who
pointed out *my*, possibly bad, usage of GNU find extensions in the
Makefile near you. After that, i started to check at least busybox's
tools before i will go to GNU's luxury of features. And as you may
noticed, Ubuntu even defaults shell like dash in its setup, while in
Debian i have questions and/or `update-alternatives'.

It's obvious for me now, why that regression tracking thread has ended
without useful implementation ideas or counter-arguments against Debian

[0] The Kernel page with link to "Cc those reviwers, who, you think, are
    your enemies" <http://lwn.net/Articles/238283/>

> From: Randy Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Convert substring expressions to be sh-compatible.
> Tested by Arne Georg Gleditsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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