Thanks for your advice,

I already know one way to accomodate shared memory between a user process
and the kernel.
This is done by making a character device which allocates memory in the
kernel, then from the user appl, using the mmap function of the driver.

I was only wondering why I could not link my code with the kernel, though
they are compiled together, this means I should be able to use any
function in the kernel files as long as I succeed to define it right

So in my question X would be any application, Y would be linking my code
with the kernel and Z would be to get more control over structures

--- David Feuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 03:12 PM 12/10/2000 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi Kernel World,
> >I'm new to linux-kernel developement, so I would appreciate any help.
> >
> >What I want to do:
> >     create a shared memory segment between user space and kernel space
> Generally, you can get the most useful help from linux-kernel if as well
> as 
> saying what you do you also say _why_.  So if you say you are developing
> an 
> application to do X, and you want to interact with the kernel in a
> certain 
> way Y because Z, then if Y is the correct way to accomplish X, people
> will 
> tell you how.  If, however, there is a better way, they will tell you
> this 
> instead.  Sorry, I don't know anything about the particular question you
> posted, but if you want my own uneducated guess, I will guess that it's
> not 
> possible.
> --
> This message has been brought to you by the letter alpha and the number
> pi.
> Open Source: Think locally; act globally.
> David Feuer

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