On Jun 29 2007 00:53, Josh Triplett wrote:
>>> I actually prefer this (in .vimrc):
>>> " Show trailing whitespace and spaces before tabs
>>> hi link localWhitespaceError Error
>>> au Syntax * syn match localWhitespaceError /\(\zs\%#\|\s\)\+$/ display
>>> au Syntax * syn match localWhitespaceError / \+\ze\t/ display
>> I prefer this:
>> find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Pn '[\t ]+$'
>> It is editor agnostic, and I do not have to look through all source files for
>> highlighted whitespace :-)
>And if you really want highlighting, you can always use grep --color. :)

Been there, done that, have GREP_COLOR env variable defined!

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