On 09/12/18 at 08:31am, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> Would you like to work on this? These would be really nice additions, once 
> the code is cleaned 
> up to be maintainable and the pending bug fixes you have are merged.
> In terms of patch logistics I'd suggest this ordering:
>  - documentation fixes
>  - simple cleanups
>  - fixes
>  - enhancements

Sorry, there were some RHEL kernel issues last week, so started this
since yesterday. I have sent out documentation fixes as you suggested in
the first patch series. Next is simple cleanup.

> With no more than ~5 patches sent in a series. Feel free to integrate all 
> pending 
> boot-memory-map fixes and features as well, we'll figure out the right way to 
> do them as they 
> happen - but let's start with the simple stuff first, ok?

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