On Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 01:41:18PM -0700, Josh Triplett wrote:
> I would *love* to see Kconfig in Linux evolved to be more easily reused.

This *can* happen. Let me itemize a few things off of my head I think
would need to be done as its at least fresh in my head now:

All we need from scripts/Kbuild.include is filechk and kecho (what I
have in my scripts/Kbuild.include). This could be moved to
scripts/Kbuild.basic, and so would make sync'ing easier.

The scripts/kconfig/Makefile would need a respective modifications to
make it work independently, see my scripts/kconfig/Makefile. Perhaps
the biggest pain was resolving the target for
scripts/kconfig/.mconf-cfg. If somehow we end up with a file which could
work for both environments we're set.

Other than this we'd need a simple script, say scripts/copy-kconfig.sh
which would copy over only those files I took from scripts/kconfig.

There's a few things to consider for a split copy / demo:

  * versioning *is not* part of kconfig
  * object building *is not* part of kconfig

But the problem I faced was that to demo kconfig I had to use *something*
for versioning and object building. The object building is simple, and
the versioning scheme was just copied from Linux.

What I ended up with the smallest demo I could come up with.


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