On Fri, July 6, 2007 16:20, Duncan Sands wrote:
> On Friday 6 July 2007 14:54:18 mikie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I experience some problems with the speedtch.c module, especially in
>> regards to its firmware loader.
>> I am not quite sure if this module is going to load the firmware
>> itself or does it use some external software to do that ?
> It loads it itself, using some external software!

For information, it generates a hotplug event and the kernel calls the
program written at /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug with certain information.
That used to be /sbin/hotplug, became later udev, but today in general
udev reads the uevents generated by the kernel.

>> I have read and checked the firmware.agent script from some hotplug
>> package, and noticed that it makes something like simple file copy of
>> the firmware to the "data" and echoing 1 or 0 to the "loading" file.
>> But what is the location of these data/loading ? Also the firmware is
>> split into 2 parts -- should I upload them one after another? Is that
>> all that should be done to get the firmware loaded?
> You need to write the file that was asked for: the modem starts by asking
> for the first file, uploads it, then asks for the second file and uploads it.
> The file is written to the "data" file, but note that the data file is created
> on the fly when the modem requests a firmware load so you can't write to it
> at some random time.

If you really don't want to use udevd, you could use the below script I wrote
(not really tested, it's an bash version of the Udev rules I've have, more or 

Echo the script pathname to /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug early at bootup and all
should work, assuming your pppd is setup correctly and the script isn't buggy.

set -e

        # For debugging/logging, edit for your needs.
        echo "$*"
        echo "$*" > /dev/vc/1;
        echo "$*" >> /tmp/bla;

if [ "$SUBSYSTEM" = "firmware" ]; then
        p "Loading firmware..."
        cd /sys/$DEVPATH
        if [ -f "/lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE" ]; then
                echo 1 > loading
                cat "/lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE" > data
                echo 0 > loading
                p "Done."
                echo -1 > loading
                p "$FIRMWARE not found."
elif [ "$SUBSYSTEM" = "atm" ]; then
        if [[ "$KERNEL" != speedtch* ]]; then
        if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ]; then
                p "Starting pppd."
                pppd call adsl
        elif [ "$ACTION" = "remove" ]; then
                p "Stopping pppd."
                pkill pppd



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