Alan Jenkins <> wrote:

> If I instead do the mount+unmount first, and close the FD as a second step, I
> think there's a lockup in the close().  The lockup happens in the same place
> as the unmount lockup from before. (Except there's a line "Code: Bad RIP
> value", I don't know why that happens).

Sorry, which FD are we talking about?

I presume you're talking about a command sequence like this:

        # unshare --mount
        # test-fsmount
        # mount --move . /mnt
        # mount --move /mnt /mnt
        # cd
        # umount /mnt
        # exit

but this fails on your modified test-fsmount with:

        shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access
        parent directories: No such file or directory


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