On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, James Simmons wrote:

> > included a patch against 2.4.0-test9 (should apply against latest but
> > haven't checked) which adds the config option to have a bsd-style cursor
> > in VT's by default. I was hoping it might be considered for inclusion so
> > that I don't have to patch it in myself every time :-)
> How about placing
>    echo '\033[?17;120c'
> In one of your startup scripts. This will give you this nice BSD
> cursor you like.

[buytenh@mara buytenh]$ tail -1 ~/.bash_profile
echo -e -n '\033[?17;127c'
[buytenh@mara buytenh]$

This has Issues though: try entering vi for example.

I'd just like a way of altering CUR_DEFAULT (which is hardcoded here and
there); sysctl would be fine too for that matter.


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