In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> At first I thought it was just me when I reported the lockups I was
> having with test12 earlier this week. Now the reports are flooding. Of
> course, now my machine isn't locking up anymore after recompiling from a
> clean source tree (test5 w/ patches through test12)

> Now, I'm trying to determine what the common element is.

> Those of you who are having lockups, was test12 compiled from a patched
> tree that you've previously compiled?

I compiled from a clean source tree test7 with patches through test12.
My machine gets locked up directly after starting the xfree-3.3.6 mach64
server. I'm running Debian2.3 woody here on a P90 w/ 32MB Ram.

> Those that are locking up in X. Do you have a second machine you can
> hook up via serial port to grab Oops output?

If it's still necessary, contact me via email.

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