This is unrelated to the signal 11 problem, but something to consider
for "random crashes and segfaults", ie are you using this compiler
and glibc version combination.

There has a been a thread on the teTeX mailing list the last few days
about a (RedHat, but probably more general than just their rpms)
gcc-2.9.6 w/glibc-2.2.x bug. At -O2, it can miscompile 

unsigned varname; /* "unsigned int varname;" is ok */

(no problem at -O or no optimization at all, and doesn't happen if teTeX
is compiled with kgcc).

Showed up in the kpathsea library (which began to split paths on
'-' as well as '/' after a user upgraded compiler and libc and
recompiled teTeX).


Clayton Weaver

"Everybody's ignorant, just in different subjects."  Will Rogers

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