> > > There is a large perception of CORBA being slow, but for the most part it
> > > is unjustified.  
> Really?  I have that same perception but I can't claim that I've measured it.
> On the other hand, I have measured the overhead of straight UDP, TCP, and
> Sun RPC ping/pong tests and you can find the code for that in any version
> of lmbench.  It should be a 5 minute task for someone who groks corba to
> do the same thing using the same framework.  If someone wants to do it,
> I'll guide them through the lmbench stuff.  It's pretty trivial, start 

Urm... thanks for the offer... but you misunderstand me if you think that
I'm claiming that kORBit is the ideal/fast implementation that everyone
has been looking for.  There is still much to be done.  :)



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