On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 03:54:16PM -0800, Adam Scislowicz wrote:
> > From your subject you seem not to.
> >
> Im sorry for the subject I just wanted to give the environmental factors, and it is a
> non-blocking socket. At this point I am not sure if that is relavent or not.
> > To the best of my knowledge the receiver side EPIPE reporting has not changed,
> > so it must be something in the sender that causes it to close the connection
> > earlier. What you have to find out.
> >
> We simply rerun the same binary in the same environment, first with 2.2.x, and then
> with 2.4.x. We have verified that socket(), and connect() calls are successfull, and
> all of our problems arise when we go to send().
> We do not send() until our main select() loop sets the writeable flag on our socket
> descriptor, so our problem should not be related to a pre-mature send().
> I dont expect this to be a kernel bug, but I was hopeing from the pseudo-code I 
> to get a "you are doing this wrong" response.

It is hard to be sure with a tcpdump log of the incident. If you send me one I'll look
at it.

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